Hello Sifu and Kung Fu Brothers and Sisters! This will be the final email, unless you have chosen to opt in to receive them in the future. That being said, feel free to opt in or out any time you wish! As someone who has donated to causes and political campaigns, I...
T’ai Chi and Wing Chun Notes Archive
Wing Chun with Sifu Gardner 2022 December 10
Hello Sifu and Kung Fu Sisters and Brothers! I’m including some people who did not opt in to the email list the first time. I’ll do this one more time to make sure anyone who wants the emails will be included. On to the notes! Sitting in space, experience South,...
Wing Chun with Sifu Gardner 2022 November 19
Please note that this is the first email sent initially to a handful of Sifu Gardner's students. Hello Sifu and disciples and students of Sifu Gardner! I’m borrowing the email list that Sifu Josh used for his Kung Fu update and plan to send more notes. Please opt in...